Friday, 10 January 2014

Life is Beastful (2013, Canvas board, urn, Band-Aids, pens F8 + 175 x 155 dia)

1-     あなたの心の傷を書いて下さい。

2-     骨壷の中の絆創膏であなたの文章を覆って下さい。(既に貼ってある絆創膏の上に書く事も出来ます。) 

 1-Write your trauma.
2-Use Band-Aids in the urn to cover your writing.(It is acceptable to write on the Band-Aids already there) 

Is is Is (2013, Map to show where the real object is, Panel, Description from dictionaries)

A=B, B=C so A=C.....and so 

= = =

That we can do is only to define.

Love Your Nation (2013, CG, size changeable)

The national identity is something which separates from the reality.
The nationality is the matter of system for the people.
But the nationality is the matter of religion.
The government, the education and the mass media, through them the nationality circulates like what we eat.