Monday, 16 December 2013

Exhibition Information


ダブルプチ個展『Life Is Beastful』『Is is Is』展を開催致します。

場所:デザインフェスタギャラりーWEST-Artpiece 7と19 (東京都渋谷区神宮前3-20-18)


I am so honored to have this opportunity to inform you of that my double solo petites exhibitions, "Life Is Beastful" and "Is is Is" will be held at DESIGN FESTA GALLERY Harajuku.

Day and time : Deceber 24th(Tue) to 29th(Sun), 11 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Place : DESIGN FESTA GALLERY Harajuku West-artpiece 7 and 19.

I appreciate your support so much!

Tuesday, 8 October 2013

exhibition information 展覧会情報

 I will hold an exhibition, "oh, yes, Mr. AMERICA!!" in the exhibition "saquiccio" planned by DESIGN FESTA GALLERY Harajuku.

 Day and time : October 20th(SUN) to 26th(SAT), 11 a.m. to 8 p.m.
 Place : DESIGN FESTA GALLERY Harajuku West-2A

I appreciate so much your support!


『oh yes, Mr. AMERICA!!』展を開催致します。

場所:デザインフェスタギャラりーWEST-2A (東京都渋谷区神宮前3-20-18)


Monday, 9 September 2013

ZINE TEN @ Design Festa Gallery

デザインフェスタギャラリー原宿の企画展、ZINE TEN展に二作品出品します。


I will participate in an exhibition "ZINE TEN" at Design Festa Gallery Harajuku with 2 works.
Feel free to come and visit there.
Thank you very much for your support.

From September 10th to 16th.
Open at 11:00 until 20:00 (19;00 on 16th)

Thursday, 1 August 2013

SUPER MANDALAS -LOVE, DEATH, BEAUTY- (2013, post-it, pen on scroll, 65 x 120cm) by sin_g


 Stairs to the heaven need revolutionists for always who are refused to enter into this paradise. The angels and their chef are acknowledged as the eternal existence although they are different on the contrary. They used to be the revolutionists as the present ones.
 What distinguishes the human and other animals is whether there is a revolution against the abstraction. Abstractive revolution is implanted in the mind of human-beings.
 Mandala is work which symbolizes the concepts through the patterned shapes. It buries us and kills some part of heart and the concept depicted on it is enforced sacredly. This is very similar to the structure of the unchangeable days that we obey.
 Nevertheless, implanted revolutionary desire of human-beings is now possible to advance against its structure. It is known for sure that the god or the truth is artificial, or that it can be possible to change the contents of the truth. To achieve that, it is necessary to recall a simple fact that we are just materials who insist that we are living.
 We are living materials. We live like other animals. We choose the price on all things and we think we are different from others. However we are constructed by materials; that is sure when we die.
 One life is in combined materials and so is thinking. It is impossible to think about one thing. To think about it demands us to think other things. When we think, we have an image; however we know that there are other images for the same thing. We accept or ignore that fact. With climbing up the stairs, we have to decide to be either a knight or a revolutionist.

 Open the door. It is the door for the paradise to some and for the hell to some. You would be a god or an angel.

Thursday, 11 July 2013

Exhibition Info

場所:デザインフェスタギャラリー原宿 ウエストアートピース
日時:7月20日(土)~27日(土) / 11時~20時 最終日17時

Place : Design Festa Gallery Harajuku, West Artpiece
Day & Time : From Julu 20th to 27th. 11a.m.-20p.m(- 17p.m. on 27th)

Sunday, 9 June 2013

Statement for "National flag of the Artificial Rising Sun"

 We are now living in the post-national era which means we recognize the concept of “nation” and under this influence we can talk about it without placing absolute trust. The nation is an artificial result in the modern period. The creation of nationality demands the people the national uniformity and it can be done by the education, not only by the government but also by the people in the society who had been already educated so or “One is not born, but rather becomes, a national”.

 A national flag symbolizes a nation which is determined by the governing people and recognized by other nations later. It indicates the history and the mind which had been created in that area. We can see a nation through its national flag.

 For Japan, the symbol of their national flag is the red sun. The basic reason of this symbol depends on the goddess of the sun, Amaterasu, who is in their myth, depicted as the ancestor of the Japanese emperor. Cleary, this knowledge is one of the reasons which leaded the authority to change the name of the nation to Nihon (Land of the rising sun) at the end of 7th century. This sort of mind had been being also widely accepted by the ordinary people with much literacy rate thanks to the published matters or through the existence of each local shrine before it came the nation-state period in the world. When this period came, the governing people utilized it for creating Japanese nationals; an imagined Japanese history was born and shared within their territory.

 After the Second World War, the myth was eliminated from the textbook and Japanese people had educations from America. The kids who have no knowledge about Amaterasu but the atomic bombings made a new generation. And this generation naturally made a next generation. As the result, these generations range from the aged to the youth. Nowadays, it can be said that the Japanese history is under the influence of the new myth with America as a deity since it can be also analyzed that there is a big contradiction in the Japanese main discourse about the topics of atomic weapons. They criticize other nations trying to possess atomic weapons, but never the US who actually used it. It means they protect the privilege of America or the permanent members of the UN as refusing the demands of other nations for the equality with them. The Japanese consider the atomic bombings by the US as the sacred action because the deed of the god is always unjudged and thus it can be said that the America takes the position of Amaterasu now.

 The US and its historical symbol for Japan, atomic-bombing are suitable for the new image of their national flag for the new era. This red image of the explosion of atomic bombing in the center of white square utilizes the exactly same structure of the present Japanese flag, firstly the concept of the diety of the sun, Amaterasu and secondly the symbol of it, the sunrise. On this work, these elements take the shape of America and the artificial atomic sunrise to show a possibility of a new type of national flag to fit into the post-national era. Furthermore, the catastrophes at Fukushima’s nuclear reactors enforce it as for the other side of the utility of the national flag; other nations also could recognize it and the events of a nation can be seen through it.

Wednesday, 15 May 2013

I, MY, ME, MINE (2013, mixed media, F50)




1.     あなたの名前
2.     あなたの国籍
3.     あなたの性別
4.     あなたの年齢
5.     金持ちであるか貧乏であるか
6.     自己紹介をしてください(例:私は母親、僕は有能……)。




Please follow the directions below / 请您参考以下步骤观赏本作品

    Choose a balloon /请挑选一个气球
    Choose a pen / 请挑选一支马克笔
    Blow the balloon and tie it /请给气球充气并打结扎好
    Write the sentences in response to the following items / 请回答以下问题并写在气球上

1.      Your name / 您的姓名
2.      Your nationality / 您的国籍
3.      Your sex / 您的性别
4.      Your age / 您的年龄
5.      Whether you are rich or poor / 您的经济状况富有、一般、贫穷
6.      Describe yourself (e.g. I’m a mother, I’m useless, I like…) / 请您简单描述自己。比如我是一个母亲我很无能我喜欢……

    Take the adhesive tape and attach the end of your balloon on the front of the canvas / 请使用胶带纸将气球球嘴部位粘贴固定在油画上
    Go ahead to the paper Ω / 请转至Ω


    Take one of the darts / 请挑选一支飞镖
    Take a distance from the front of the canvas / 请和画布保持一段距离
    There, recall what you have written on the balloon / 请在那里回忆您刚才在气球上所写的内容
    Break the balloon with the dart either directly or indirectly / 请使用飞镖,(直接或间接地扎破气球
    Leave the balloon if it is still on the canvas or pick up one with the adhesive tape and reattach it / 请任由扎破的气球继续保留在画布上。如果气球没有残留在画布上则请挑选一块气球碎片使用胶带纸将其粘贴到上面
    Throw away the rests of the balloon on the floor into the black box / 请将地板上残余的其它气球碎片扔进黑色垃圾桶
    You may take a photo of the work / 您可以拍摄照片

Tuesday, 16 April 2013

DOMODOMO REVOLUTION (2013, acrylic painting, S20) by sin_g

DOMO is stronger and more useful and more equal against ARIGATO!!
Please note it down on your heart!!

Monday, 7 January 2013


I was studying at a high school of Jodo-sinsyu of Honen(due to my poor score) and there was a subject of Buddhism but I was forgetting almost all of it (^^;) until I read it.

It is indeed my always question why there is a story of a big flood in the mythologies of the world including Japanese one. We don't learn that part of story at school, but I assume that the story speak about how the Japanese islands was one day created (or separated) from the continent. There was a time when the level of the sea got up in the world.

We, so-called Japanese are mixture of the people around Japan and who was living there firstly. Our language, "Japanese" is a Pidgin language according to some professors and it has become a Creole language. I think that explains well why the Japanese vocabulary almost always contains vowels between sounds, because it is easy to pronounce.

In my opinion, in the very old past, now Kyusyu and now south part of Korea was a nation. That could explains some part of Japanese myth.

We don't need to believe the myth but that is how the people at that time understood their surroundings. Of course, there is a completely made-up story in it like the story we talk to children, but there are also the stories which come from the facts, and these facts were impossible for them to understand like we do now. So they put them into their myth.

Unfortunately, Japanese historians are like communists, they don't care at all the myth or they rather ignore it. They think there are only materials and time. They lack the undercurrent of the people which is made of the fact, and which makes them advance to the next decision.

oops....anyway, Honen claimed that that be rather the bad person who must be saved, and so are normal and poor people than the others. In only we chant, Na-mi-a-mu-da-bu-tsu, we could be saved after our death.

When a religion becomes popular? It is when we lost our hope to the future. 

But nowadays, we can ignore the sein of the god, but as far as I know, not for the people in the past. Our future, it is in a short word, the death. We all gonna die because we live. I will die and so will you. In 100 years, no one who read this sentences of mine will exist. We all die and myriad of people or animals or insects have ever been dying but we still don't understand what's next. So we had religions. A religion is a definition of after the death. 

Since some years ago, according to a journalist, more than 100000 people commit suicide each year in Japan. I think so too, it is not around 30000 (it is too small if we count the number carefully. The toll which found unnaturally but not relating to a crime has been increasing more than double and it is the authority who decide which is due to suicide). 

I don't know what is their opinion after their death. But surely better than "their world" now. Even if a cult effected political party is in the power, many people who have grown in Japan believe a religion lesser than ever. We can't talk religion seriously like politics in usual situation in Japan. The mass media, which (in this era) makes (or brainwashes) people can't talk about and criticize that new Komeito party, instead they keep to show that made-up happy world for ever (no more Fukushima reactor news). 

The happiness was a concept of the world after the death, but wrongly we took it out of it into this living world. We have to be happy in this world, so educate the mass media without doubting t the meaning of the happiness. 
There is no Honen, or the priest, or monk who could at least give some peace to the heart of those who committed suicide. As a result, each of them became a priest and said to themselves that the world after the death is better than ever. 

I hope this year, that people will notice that we don't have to look for happiness so hard and we can give a new name for the fact that we call happy because the happiness we can find in this living world does not continue for ever unless we die whilst it continues. It is not the happiness if it has an ending. That is why we have to want it in the dead world if we want to be happy, not in this world. Otherwise, we would be so worn out. 

So, say goodbye to HAPPY but smile for what you get and for what you are!

Thank you for your time to read^^